miercuri, 9 noiembrie 2016

DARE TO WEAR: Bold lipstick colors

Hello gorgeous! Am promis sa postez constant asadar ma tin de promisiune. Astazi introduc o noua rubrica pe blog anume Dare to Wear. Veti vedea in timp despre ce e vorba .

Hello gorgeous!I promised to be back with more articles for you so here i am. Today i will introduce a new heading on the blog and that is Dare to Wear. You will see in time what all this is about.

Pentru azi tema principala sunt rujurile in culori mai indraznete.Le vedeti la vedete , in reviste , pe podiumuri .De ce sa nu le incercati personal?! Nu ma refer la nuante de albastru, verde etc. Mov intens , indigo , grena ...genul asta de culori indraznete.

The main theme today are blod lipstick colors. You see celebrities wearing them , they are all over magazines , on the catwalk. Why not try wearing them?!I don`t mean bright blue or green. Intense purple,indigo or a dark red...this kind of bold colors.

Acum , cateva recomandari care cred ca va vor capta atentia si poate va vor da un mic impuls sa incercati ceva mai aparte.

Now some recomandations that i think you`ll like and maybe give you an impulse to try something new.

In Romania puteti gasi astfel de nuante la Sephora ( Urban Decay au o gama imensa de culori) , magazinul online Makeup Shop...

A online store i really want to recommend if you live in UK and want to try some really good lipsticks is Beauty Bay. You`ll find Dose of Colors , Jeffree Star and many other brands.

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