marți, 29 noiembrie 2016
REVIEW: Sleek Solstice highlighting palette
Hello gorgeous! I`m back with a review and swatches for Sleek Solstice highlighter palette.Everyone is raving about this palette on You Tube and internet and i became very curious about it. Is it worth the hype?! Is it a must have?! Well the answer for all that is a huge YES!!!
It has 4 shades , a cream and 3 powders . They are very smooth and creamy .The pigmentation is on point.It also comes with a brush but i wouldn`t waste my time with it.The shades are:
- Ecliptic - cream highlighter
-Subsolar- shimmer powder
-Hemisphere- baked highlighter
-Equinox- baked highlighter
My personal favorites are Equinox and Hemisphere because they are more pigmented than the other 2 and the glow they give..well...let`s just say you can almost see it from outer space.
Hello gorgeous! Am revenit cu review si swatch-uri pentru paleta de iluminatoare Sleek Solstice. O perioada de timp toata lumea vorbea despre ea pe internet si You Tube asadar am devenit extrem de curioasa daca merita toata faima dobandita. Raspunsul e DA!
Contine 4 iluminatoare ; un iluminator crema si 3 iluminatoare pudra. Sunt pigmentate se simt foarte soft si aproape cremoase la atingere. Paleta vine impreuna cu o pensula dar nu imi place sa o mi se pare potrivita pentru aplicarea iluminatoarelor. Nuantele sunt:
- Ecliptic- iluminator crema
-Subsolar- iluminator sidefat ca textura
-Hemisphere- iluminator baked
-Equinox- iluminator baked
Preferatele mele sunt Equinox si Hemisphere deoarece sunt mai pigmentate decat celelalte 2 si sincer glow-ul pe care il dau aproape ca il vezi din spatiu.
natural light-lumina naturala
artificial light -lumina artificiala
miercuri, 23 noiembrie 2016
Favorite fall-winter foundations/bb creams
Hello gorgeous!This time i`m gonna talk about my favorite foundation and bb creams that i`m using right now. I have dry skin in fall and winter and i allways try to use products that give me glowy skin and hydration. If they have other benefits besides that i`m all in!
I tried some bb creams from european and american brands but i always ended up throwing them or giving them away because they never compare to korean ones ....
Hello gorgeous!De data aceasta voi vorbi despre bb cream-urile si fondul meu de ten preferat in aceasta perioada.Mereu am avut tenul uscat in perioada de toamna-iarna si am incercat sa folosesc doar produsele care imi dau acel glow de ten sanatos sau care imi aduc un plus de hidratare. Daca mai au si alte beneficii atunci sunt cea mai fericita!
Am incercat bb cream-uri de la brand-uri europene si americane dar am ajuns de fiecare data sa le arunc sau sa le dau altor persoane care chiar le vor folosi. Pur si simplu cred ca nu se compara cu cele coreene.
Holika Holika Naked Face BBCream:
- it has an SPF of 50 which is always a good thing
- offers hydration and wrinkle care
- contains 5 types of organic minerals and vitamins
- full coverage
- matte finish
- it can be tricky to find your shade
- from what i know comes in only 2 shades
- hygienic
- 40 ml
-are SPF 50 ceea ce intotdeauna e un lucru pozitiv
- ofera hidratare tenului
- beneficii anti-rid
-contine 5 tipuri de uleiuri minerale din surse organice si vitamine
-acoperire full
-finish mat
-dificil sa-ti gasesti nuanta potrivita
-se gaseste in doar 2 nuante din cate stiu
-ambalaj igienic
- 40 ml
Lioele Beyond the Solution BBCream:
- offers hydration and wrinkle care
-contains a lot of healthy ingredients like hydrolized collagen, jojoba oil, macadamia nut oil,etc.
-medium coverage
-glowy finish
-long lasting
-50 ml
-dificult to find your shade
-acts as skincare as you have it on
-ofera hidratare tenului
-beneficii anti-rid
-ingrediente benefice tenului cum ar fi collagen,ulei de jojoba, ulei din nuci de macadamia,etc.
-acoperire medie
-rezistent la temperaturi inalte si in timp
-finish glowy
-50 ml
-ambalaj igienic
-hraneste tenul si are aceeasi actiune ca o crema
Clinique Even Better foundqation:
-SPF of 15
-oil free
-comes in a lot of shades
-glowy finish
-medium coverage
-it tends to oxidize
-it`s not that long lasting
-very hydrating
- hygienic
-you need to set it with powder
-are SPF 15
-nu contine uleiuri
-o multitudine de nuante
-finish glowy
-acoperire medie
-are tendinta sa oxideze
-nu rezista foarte mult pe ten
-foarte hidratant
-ambalaj igienic
-trebuie fixat cu pudra
fond de ten,
holika holika,
vineri, 18 noiembrie 2016
REVIEW: Boys`n Berries All Day Matte
Hello gorgeous! I`m back with a new review this time for Boys`n Berries All Day Matte liquid lipsticks.There is not much to say about them.They are creamy , don`t dry out your lips , they last at least 7-8 hours without having to apply them again. Gorgeous colors and the dark colors don`t apply with streaks like it happens with other liquid lipsticks.The price is around 6£ but unfortunately i don`t think you can find them in UK.
The shades i have are Poison Ivy , Fetish and Red Sonja.I will also post photos with swatchws on my hand and on the lips.
Hello gorgeous! Am revenit cu un nou review de data aceasta pentru Boys`n Berries All Day Matte. Nu este prea mult de zis despre ele. Sunt cremoase ca si consistenta , nu usuca buzele , rezista cel putin 7-8 ore fara sa simtiti nevoia de un retus. Culorile sunt superbe iar cele mai inchise nu se aplica cu dare ca in cazul altor rujuri lichide. Le gasiti pe la pretul de 28.95 RON.
Nuantele din poza sunt Poison Ivy , Fetish si Red Sonja.Va las cu swatch-uri ale nuantelor pe buze si pe mana.
Red Sonja
Poison Ivy
marți, 15 noiembrie 2016
REVIEW: Lioele Super Moisture Hyaluronic Acid Dr.Ampoule
Hello gorgeous! It`s time for a review. I thought about doing a series of k-beauty product reviews. I will start with something i used constantly for the past few years .
I never fell in love with any skincare product.They all seemed pretty superficial to me. I couldn`t see any long lasting result from them. Back then my skin was very dry and sensitive. I wanted something that would help my skin repair and stimulate it , not something that would just make it feel good on the moment.
Lioele Super Moisture Hyaluronic Acid Dr.Ampoule is a serum with a high concentration of hyaluronic acid.It stimulates water absorbtion and helps you fight with fine lines .
I loved it since the first time i used it. My skin absorbed it very fast and it made it feel soft and hydrated.The consistency is somewhat between gel and oil.
Hello gorgeous. Este timpul pentru un nou review. M-am gandit sa incep o serie speciala de review-uri pe blog pentru produsele de ingrijire ale tenului originale din Coreea.Voi incepe cu ceva ce am folosit constant in ultimii ani.
Nu obisnuiam sa folosesc constant nici un produs de ingrijire deoarace toate mi se pareau superficiale.Nu vedeam rezultate.Tenul meu era uscat si sensibil si vroiam ceva care sa-l stimuleze si sa-l ajute sa-si revina din sa arate si sa se simta bine doar pe moment.
Lioele Super Moisture Hyaluronic Acid Dr.Ampoule este un serum cu concentratie ridicata de acid hialuronic ce stimuleaza absorbtia apei de catre piele si ajuta in lupta impotriva liniilor fine .
L-am adorat din primul moment cand l-am folosit. Se absoarbe rapid si pielea se simte foarte fina si hidratata.Consistenta este undeva intre gel si ulei.
sâmbătă, 12 noiembrie 2016
FOTD Orange Juice
Hello gorgeous! It`s time for makeup of the day!I became very lazy when it comes to my makeup. Usually i only do the face and lips. And that`s because my eves are very sensitive and no matter what i use , when i take my eye makeup off , my eyes sting like crazy.
Hello gorgeous! E timpul pentru un machiaj! Am devenit foarte lenesa cand vine vorba de makeup. De obicei ma ocup doar de fata si buze deoarece ochii mei sunt foarte sensibili si indiferent ce folosesc , dupa demachiere ma usutura ingrozitor.
Pupa Like a Doll foundation
Lioele Blooming Shimmer Pearl Base
Sleek Solstice highlighting palette :Ecliptic and Subsolar
Radiant Professional blush : 127 Pearly Apricot
Nyx Tinted Brow Mascara : Expresso
Maybelline Baby Lips : Cherry Me
Pupa I`m Matt lip fluid : 033 Orange Juice
Hello gorgeous! It`s time for makeup of the day!I became very lazy when it comes to my makeup. Usually i only do the face and lips. And that`s because my eves are very sensitive and no matter what i use , when i take my eye makeup off , my eyes sting like crazy.
Hello gorgeous! E timpul pentru un machiaj! Am devenit foarte lenesa cand vine vorba de makeup. De obicei ma ocup doar de fata si buze deoarece ochii mei sunt foarte sensibili si indiferent ce folosesc , dupa demachiere ma usutura ingrozitor.
Pupa Like a Doll foundation
Lioele Blooming Shimmer Pearl Base
Sleek Solstice highlighting palette :Ecliptic and Subsolar
Radiant Professional blush : 127 Pearly Apricot
Nyx Tinted Brow Mascara : Expresso
Maybelline Baby Lips : Cherry Me
Pupa I`m Matt lip fluid : 033 Orange Juice
miercuri, 9 noiembrie 2016
DARE TO WEAR: Bold lipstick colors
Hello gorgeous! Am promis sa postez constant asadar ma tin de promisiune. Astazi introduc o noua rubrica pe blog anume Dare to Wear. Veti vedea in timp despre ce e vorba .
Hello gorgeous!I promised to be back with more articles for you so here i am. Today i will introduce a new heading on the blog and that is Dare to Wear. You will see in time what all this is about.
Pentru azi tema principala sunt rujurile in culori mai indraznete.Le vedeti la vedete , in reviste , pe podiumuri .De ce sa nu le incercati personal?! Nu ma refer la nuante de albastru, verde etc. Mov intens , indigo , grena ...genul asta de culori indraznete.
The main theme today are blod lipstick colors. You see celebrities wearing them , they are all over magazines , on the catwalk. Why not try wearing them?!I don`t mean bright blue or green. Intense purple,indigo or a dark red...this kind of bold colors.
Acum , cateva recomandari care cred ca va vor capta atentia si poate va vor da un mic impuls sa incercati ceva mai aparte.
Now some recomandations that i think you`ll like and maybe give you an impulse to try something new.
In Romania puteti gasi astfel de nuante la Sephora ( Urban Decay au o gama imensa de culori) , magazinul online Makeup Shop...
A online store i really want to recommend if you live in UK and want to try some really good lipsticks is Beauty Bay. You`ll find Dose of Colors , Jeffree Star and many other brands.
Hello gorgeous!I promised to be back with more articles for you so here i am. Today i will introduce a new heading on the blog and that is Dare to Wear. You will see in time what all this is about.
Pentru azi tema principala sunt rujurile in culori mai indraznete.Le vedeti la vedete , in reviste , pe podiumuri .De ce sa nu le incercati personal?! Nu ma refer la nuante de albastru, verde etc. Mov intens , indigo , grena ...genul asta de culori indraznete.
The main theme today are blod lipstick colors. You see celebrities wearing them , they are all over magazines , on the catwalk. Why not try wearing them?!I don`t mean bright blue or green. Intense purple,indigo or a dark red...this kind of bold colors.
Acum , cateva recomandari care cred ca va vor capta atentia si poate va vor da un mic impuls sa incercati ceva mai aparte.
Now some recomandations that i think you`ll like and maybe give you an impulse to try something new.
In Romania puteti gasi astfel de nuante la Sephora ( Urban Decay au o gama imensa de culori) , magazinul online Makeup Shop...
A online store i really want to recommend if you live in UK and want to try some really good lipsticks is Beauty Bay. You`ll find Dose of Colors , Jeffree Star and many other brands.
luni, 7 noiembrie 2016
Barry M Molten Metal
Hello gorgeous! Am revenit cu o noua postare.A fost o perioada plina de evenimente semnificative pentru mine mai exact acum locuiesc in Marea Britanie.Inca sunt in perioada de acomodare dar voi face tot posibilul sa postez 3-4 articole pe saptamana pentru voi.Un lucru care se va schimba la blog este faptul ca acum voi scrie si in engleza asa ca.....sper ca va fi ok.
Hello gorgeous! I am back ! The last couple of months were full of semnificative events for me. More specific i now live in UK. I am still getting used to everything but i will try to have something ready for you at least 3-4 times a week. There is one major thing that will change on the blog. From now on i will also write in english.
Sa revenim la motivul postarii adica ojele Molten Metals de la Barry M. Sunt total indragostita de ele. Culori superbe , finish impecabil, se aplica foarte usor , rezista cu brio o saptamana inainte sa inceapa sa sara de pe unghii. Un lucru aparte este faptul ca aplicatorul este usor rotunjit facand aplicarea foarte usoara.
Now back to the blog post.Molten Metals nail paints from Barry M. I fell in love with them. Gorgeous colors , impecable finish ,very easy to apply. They stay on the nails for one week before they start to chip.An unusual thing is that the brush is slightly rounded but this makes the aplication very easy.
Bronze Bae
Cooper Mine
Hello gorgeous! I am back ! The last couple of months were full of semnificative events for me. More specific i now live in UK. I am still getting used to everything but i will try to have something ready for you at least 3-4 times a week. There is one major thing that will change on the blog. From now on i will also write in english.
Sa revenim la motivul postarii adica ojele Molten Metals de la Barry M. Sunt total indragostita de ele. Culori superbe , finish impecabil, se aplica foarte usor , rezista cu brio o saptamana inainte sa inceapa sa sara de pe unghii. Un lucru aparte este faptul ca aplicatorul este usor rotunjit facand aplicarea foarte usoara.
Now back to the blog post.Molten Metals nail paints from Barry M. I fell in love with them. Gorgeous colors , impecable finish ,very easy to apply. They stay on the nails for one week before they start to chip.An unusual thing is that the brush is slightly rounded but this makes the aplication very easy.
Bronze Bae
Cooper Mine
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