vineri, 9 decembrie 2016

REVIEW Benefit They`re Real - eye makeup remover

  Everyone heard about how great products from Benefit are. Well , today i`m going to talk about They`re Real eye makeup remover. They claim that this remover is perfect if you have sensitive eyes or you wear contacts.Do you want to find out if it`s true?
  Same as my skin , my eyes are very sensitive. Until now i haven`t found an eye makeup remover that wouldn`t leave my eyes feeling itchy . Every time after i take my eye makeup off i would have dry , red skin around my eyes , they would start to sting and feel itchy. That is the main reason why i don`t really wear eye makeup.Because i`m a huge makeup lover i always wished to find that perfect eye makeup remover.
  My first contact with Benefit They`re Real eye makeup remover was after i bought their advent calendar which had a sample from it. As always my expectations were very low because of my sensitive eyes.Well...i was very surprised to find out that i could take my eye makeup off without closing my more itchy feeling , no more red ,dry skin . I finally found a eye makeup remover for sensitive eyes that really does what it claims.And it really removes all the makeup.

  Toate cred ca ati auzit cat de bune sunt produsele de la Benefit. Astazi va voi vorbi despre demachiantul pentru ochi Benefit They`re Real. Cei de la Benefit sustin ca este foarte bun daca porti lentile de contact sau ai ochii sensibili. Vreti sa aflati cat de adevarat e?
  La fel ca pielea mea si ochii sunt foarte sensibili. Nu am gasit pana acum un demachiant pentru ochi care dupa utilizarea lui sa nu mi se irite ochii. De fiecare data ochii mei erau rosii , iritati si pielea din jurul lor se simtea uscata. Asta e motivul principal datorita caruia evit sa machiez ochii. Dar mereu am visat sa gasesc acel demachiant pentru ochi care sa combata toate aceste simptome.
  Primul contact cu Benefit They`re Real a fost dupa ce am cumparat calendarul advent de la ei ce continea o mostra de produs. Asteptarile mele nu erau foarte mari deoarece stiam ca ochii mei sensibili sunt pretentiosi. Am fost foarte surprinsa sa vad ca ma pot demachia cu ochii deschisi fara sa ma usture sau sa fie cat de putin inconfortabil. Gata cu ochii iritati , cu pielea uscata sau mancarime. Si in plus demachiaza usor si foarte bine.

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