marți, 15 noiembrie 2016

REVIEW: Lioele Super Moisture Hyaluronic Acid Dr.Ampoule


Hello gorgeous! It`s time for a review. I thought about doing a series of k-beauty product reviews. I will start with something i used constantly for the past few years .
I never fell in love with any skincare product.They all seemed pretty superficial to me. I couldn`t see any long lasting result from them. Back then my skin was very dry and sensitive. I wanted something that would help my skin repair and stimulate it , not something that would just make it feel good on the moment.
Lioele Super Moisture Hyaluronic Acid Dr.Ampoule is a serum with a high concentration of hyaluronic acid.It stimulates water absorbtion and helps you fight with fine lines .
I loved it since the first time i used it. My skin absorbed it very fast and it made it feel soft and hydrated.The consistency is somewhat between gel and oil.

Hello gorgeous. Este timpul pentru un nou review. M-am gandit sa incep o serie speciala de review-uri pe blog pentru produsele de ingrijire ale tenului originale din Coreea.Voi incepe cu ceva ce am folosit constant in ultimii ani.
Nu obisnuiam sa folosesc constant nici un produs de ingrijire deoarace toate mi se pareau superficiale.Nu vedeam rezultate.Tenul meu era uscat si sensibil si vroiam ceva care sa-l stimuleze si sa-l ajute sa-si revina din sa arate si sa se simta bine doar pe moment.
Lioele Super Moisture Hyaluronic Acid Dr.Ampoule este un serum cu concentratie ridicata de acid hialuronic ce stimuleaza absorbtia apei de catre piele si ajuta in lupta impotriva liniilor fine .
L-am adorat din primul moment cand l-am folosit. Se absoarbe rapid si pielea se simte foarte fina si hidratata.Consistenta este undeva intre gel si ulei.

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