marți, 13 iunie 2017

Beauty Box - Pick n Dazzle


S-a mai incercat in anii trecuti sa se introduca pe piata din Romania conceptul de beauty box dar din pacate toate incercarile au esuat...pana la Pick n Dazzle. Luna trecuta am primit primul beauty box de la Pick n Dazzle. Am fost incantata de produse si de concept asadar am vrut sa va prezint pe scurt in ce consta acest serviciu.
1 - Primul pas este sa mergeti pe site-ul Pick n Dazzle si sa completati un profil de frumusete. Vi se vor pune diverse intrebari pentru ca expertii in diverse domenii de la Pick n Dazzle sa isi poata da seama ce anume vi se potriveste.
2 - Apoi vi se dau 3 optiuni de cutii:
Sleek/Esential - 79 lei
Dazzling/Stralucire - 159 lei
Premium - 240 lei
Puteti selecta sa primiti cutia doar in luna respectiva, pe 3 luni sau optiunea de a primii cutia Pick n Dazzle timp de 6 luni. De asemenea aveti optiunea de a anula serviciul .
3 - Puteti lasa expertii Pick n Dazzle sa aleaga pentru voi sau va puteti selecta singure produsele pe care le doriti.
Toate produsele din cutie sunt full size si serviciul de curierat este gratuit. Eu am ales cutia Premium pe 6 luni asadar veti vedea multe postari pe blog legate de Pick n Dazzle si produsele ce le gasiti la ei.


There were many attempts to bring the concept of beauty box in Romania over the years but they all failed. That is until Pick n Dazzle appeared. Last month i received my first subscription box from Pick n Dazzle and i was very happy with the products. Let me tell you a little about Pick n Dazzle.
1 - The first step is to head over to their website and complete a beauty profile. You will be asked different questions that will help the Pick n Dazzle experts to figure out what products are best for you.
2 - You will be given 3 options to choose from:Sleek, Dazzling and Premium. For the prices go to their website and see what prices are for your country.
You can choose one box to test the products and the concept or you can choose the 3 months or the 6 months subscriptions.
3 - You can choose your own products or you can let the Pick n Dazzle experts to choose them for you.
All the products are full size and you also have the option to cancel the subscription. I choose the Premium beauty box and the 6 months subscription service so you will see a lot of product review based on my Pick n Dazzle subscription.